The Importance of Emotional Attunement for Neurodivergent Children
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by Dr. John Adduru
What is emotional attunement?
According to Daniel Goleman’s “Emotional Intelligence,” emotional attunement involves understanding and meeting the emotional needs of children in a caring and genuine manner. It's about providing a safe environment for them to learn and grow emotionally rather than manipulating their motivations.
Why neurodivergent children need emotional attunement
Neurodivergent children diagnosed with conditions like ADHD, cognitive, and learning needs require emotional attunement for several reasons:
Safe and secure environment
Feeling safe is crucial for neurodivergent children to navigate the world.
Emotional attunement provides a secure foundation for their development.
Understanding genuine emotions
Neurodivergent children may struggle with recognizing and processing emotions.
Emotional attunement helps them understand emotions and respond appropriately.
Thrive in social and learning environments
Emotional attunement equips them with emotional intelligence to excel in different settings.
It prepares them to handle social interactions and learning challenges effectively.
Ways to Show Emotional Attunement
Calm presence. It's important to stay composed and present in both good and bad situations. By leading by example, you can inspire others to do the same.
Genuine availability. Make sure you let them know when you're available to lend a hand. They need a reliable and constant source of comfort and support, so be there for them whenever they need you.
Acknowledgment of positive behavior. Take a moment to acknowledge and value the good deeds and hard work. Boost their confidence and sense of value by reinforcing their self-esteem.
Unconditional love and acceptance. It's important to accept and appreciate people for who they are, including their unique qualities. It's also important to support and encourage their goals and dreams.
Benefits of Emotional Attunement for Neurodivergent Children
Success in diverse learning environments can be enhanced through improved emotional development, self-esteem, coping skills, communication, social interactions, and adaptability.